Monday, February 28, 2011

Ls-land форум

friend but when you get back?

Electric Infant Bottle Washer


Friday, February 25, 2011

Dvr Taken Into Account For Ratings?


red cloud

It will be called Gang Bang the new magazine comic book, which should debut in all libraries (hopefully also in specialized) and newsstands of our country towards the end of the year. The news is Andrea Voglino , journalist and writer, on the pages of his blog Red Cloud.

"The new baby is called Gang Bang, bears the signature of the Manifesto and Edizioni BD and will be on newsstands and in bookstores later this year. On board, a fine group of cartoonists with his feet firmly planted in the popular comic strip and the belly ready to taste more personal narrative and strong. To understand who does what and as the starting point is il numero di Alias in uscita sabato 12 marzo 2011 in concomitanza con Cartoomics, la mostra mercato milanese del fumetto cui il Manifesto parteciperà con un proprio stand nel week-end fra l’11 e il 13 del mese: l’apertura è tutta dedicata a Gang Bang, con una storia a fumetti inedita che anticipa la filosofia del volume e tutti i dettagli sul cast artistico. Il resto è work in progress: ma avremo modo di riparlarne, qui e altrove."
La necessità di dare vita ad una rivista in grado di coniugare attualità, politica e intrattenimento non necessariamente spensierato nasce, secondo Voglino, dalla volontà di creare un trait d'union con le grandi riviste del passato; riviste che come  Linus , Courier boys , Frigidaire , Orient Express or Comic Art containers were not only fiction but "have also demonstrated formidable vehicle for running stories, cultures, languages \u200b\u200band view the "other" than usual " .

Since the end of the period of the journals, set around the early 90s, and today I spent about fifteen years, a period during which, he writes Voglino, "the world of comics has changed the face " .

A world in which "the aim is to target millimeter" and where Gang Bang aims to free up space for creativity and ideas authors, while preserving the nature of the popular comic strip and the strong connotation of the narrative genres that have always characterized it. With these assumptions, then, the idea of \u200b\u200ba "large-format publication, with a living space of over 100 pages and hope to go beyond labels recently and already stale to do what the comic has always been wonderfully and simplicity: recount adventures (black, yellow, historical, grotesque, sci-fi, war ...), easy to read but not to forget. "

The conditions are very interesting, we hope that this is the right time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Jena Jameson En Jeans


Tom Strong

From the pages of his Blog, Chris Sprouse has finally dissolved the doubts concerning the future of Tom Strong , adventurer "brains" that pays homage to the pulp comics of the early last century created graphically by the artist in collaboration U.S. Alan Moore for line ABC Wildstorm's disappearance.

Right from ' announcement of the closure of the label Wildstorm, in fact, a veil of mystery and uncertainty had decreased over the fate of the editorial series and characters published under the banner of the publishing house founded by Jim Lee (which later became the property of DC Comics). Uncertainty that turned out to be unsettling even for the employees of the publisher, so that, during an interview issued to webzine Newsarama , Sprouse had been unable to hide his embarrassment in talking about the new adventures of Tom Strong.

is probably for this reason that once was able to talk about the future of the character Sprouse was quick to give all the details. He writes, in fact, on his blog: "I am happy to reassure readers that the fans of Tom Strong DC will publish later this year, the miniseries Tom Strong and the Planet of Peril. I am currently still working the series and therefore are not able to provide more specific dates. "

a cartoon from Tom Strong and The Planet of Peril

Planet of Peril narrative will place eight months after the conclusion of the miniseries Tom Strong and the Robots of Doom (still unpublished in Italy) "Tesla, the daughter of Tom Strong, which we were pregnant at the end of the previous mini-series will be about to give birth to son. But since ilbimbo is the son of one of the men lava, its presence in the uterus of Tesla risk di cuocerla viva. Così la famiglia Strong dovrà prendere una decisione: sacrificare Tesla e permettere al figlio di nascere o salvare la ragazza a scapito del bambino. Non potranno fare entrambe le cose. Tom dovrà inventarsi qualche diavoleria scientifica per salvare il bimbo senza arrecare danni alla figlia. E per farlo si rivolgerà a tutti i suoi amici scienziati. Questo, a grandi linee, è il plot della miniserie."

un altro particolare di una tavola tratta da Tom Strong and the planet of peril #1

Tom Strong and the planet of Peril will be scripted by Peter Hogan . According to statements by Sprouse, Hogan, who has taken up the legacy of Alan Moore, "would continue to narrate the adventures of Tom Strong, producing only an occasional special issues, things like the Christmas special. Everything depends on sales data. "

Related Articles:
Wednesday, September 22, 2010 THE END OF Wildstorm

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bare Minerals Vs European Minerals


X-Men First to Last
the X-Men torn apart by internal strife? Illustration by Paco Medina

last few days chasing with increasing insistence rumors of a mega-event mutant that should stir up the base of the x-titles, revolutionizing and at the same time, catapulted into the new millennium (there seems to be the usual old story? Be 'perhaps no mistake ...).

After all, already on December 30 I posted a teaser (which will propose again at the beginning of this post) which does not bode well for the future of the mutant heroes. The image, created by Paco Medina , represented two generations of x-men opposing one against the other (and especially, showed, once again Professor Xavier in a wheelchair. ..). No other explanation, if not a date: May 2011 .

Subsequently Marvel Comics announced the publication of a mini-series of four books that will lead the plots mutants until the next crisis, which would upset the x men from July to October this year. Each issue of this miniseries, written by a Paul Jenkins return after a long absence (his last miniseries was World War Hulk Frontline 2008), a project of some importance to the house of ideas, will focus on a different character from those residing on the island of Utopia and will be entrusted to the care of art in different designs (see numbers in the early work Roberto De La Torre and Laurence Campbell .

According to rumors this miniseries will lay the foundation for a new division in the ranks of the X-Men, with an increasingly harsh contrast between Cyclops, leader degli X-Men e Wolverine capo di X-Force.

Le ripercussioni di questa miniserie si dovrebbero avvertire per tutto il 2012 e, naturalmente, dovrebbero portare ad una ulteriore rivoluzione del parco testate mutanti.

illustrazione di Giuseppe Camuncoli
per la copertina di  X-Men Prelude

A proposito di X-Men Prelude, Tom Brevoort in una intervista recentemente rilasciata alla webzine Comic Book Resources ha dichiarato:
"The story is not focused on trying to answer the question" Who will lead the X-Men? ", But groped to understand" where you live or what direction it needs to be addressed in This time the mutant race?. In the last couple of years, the X-Men have moved away from the philosophy of Xavier and have embarked on a new path, a path that Cyclops has had to undertake because of the circumstances. The story of Paul [ Jenkins] focus their attention on just four characters who are at the forefront of those who can (and want) to answer the question of the leadership race of mutant: Xavier, Cyclops, Wolverine e Magneto. Ogni numero della serie --  Paul ha deciso di scrivere quattro storie singole di 22 pagine, ognuna di esse, pur essendo parte di un disegno più ampio, si incentrerà su un solo di questi quattro personaggi -- tratteggerà un ritratto di questi personaggi e ci farà intuire quale sarà il loro ruolo nel prossimo evento."
I semi di questi cambiamenti in arrivo si inizieranno a vedere via via su tutte le serie dell'universo mutante. Orfana di Warren Ellis , Astonishing X-Men , ad esempio, sarà affidata a due team creativi, composti rispettivamente da Christos Gage e Juan Bobillo and Daniel Way and Jason Pearson , each of which will, in alternate months, a different team of X-Men. The narrative motivation behind the two teams in the division would be just that should be in the ranks of the mutant line.

an embarrassing cover of Sal Larrocha
for Astonishing X-Men
cover Jason Pearson

Mike Kaluta Variant Edition

Meanwhile, the creative offices of the House of Ideas has prepared a new campaign teaser (which is now the practice really is no escape) to tickle the curiosity of readers and fans. It begins with New Mutants, the series dedicated to the second (third? Fourth?) Generation of X-Men will be close to the events of the crisis with a new mutant - even mysterious - the creative team and a new direction narrative. More when we do not know ...

"get anything"
MMXI Year of the X-Men: New Mutants

The second teaser
concerns the team of X-Men whose deeds are recounted on the head X-Men Legacy, written by Mike Carey and designed by Rafa Sandoval .

"will not allow our past affects our future"
MMXI Year of the X-Men: X-Men Legacy
Update! Third Teaser for the advertising campaign that promotes the revitalization of the X-Men. This time it's the longest among the tested mutants provide a peek into the future, the protagonist of a phenomenon. The texts are Kieron Gillen pencils (the unwatchable - I do not want) Greg Land .

"I'll do what bisogna fare"
MMXI Year of the X-Men: Uncanny X-Men

Una cosa è certa (a mio parere) da almeno un lustro la Marvel fatica a imprimere una direzione narrativa decente alle serie mutanti. Tra morti, resurrezioni, viaggi  nel tempo, personaggi sanguinari e digrignanti gli x-men di oggi sembrano solo la parodia riuscita male di quelli classici che hanno reso leggendario questo brand. Speriamo che questa sia la volta buona...

Buying Cheap Zepose-10


teaser pubblicitario per il lancio di Future Foundation
i Fantastici Quattro of the new millennium

Now that you are off the echoes of the death of Johnny Storm (but is it true? We are ready to bet on a sudden resurrection), the popular curiosity was aroused ( and perhaps a small increase in sales was triggered) the time has come to present the new version of the Fantastic Four for the third millennium.

announced by the acronym FF , March 23, 2011 All comics come in from overseas The Future Foundation, the new incarnation of the first family heroes of Marvel Comics. FF will therefore be the historical one that will replace the head of the FF and that promises to revive the glory days. Written by Jonathan Hickman and drawn by Steve Epting, the Future Foundation is the new supergroup born of the union among the survivors of the Fantastic Four, Spider-Man (!) And some people still mysterious.
Their mission is simple: to save the Marvel Universe from the greatest threats that we become discouraged and prevent future ones.

With FF, says Tom Brevoort, Senior Vice President of Publishing, aims to return to the origins of Marvel to fill the role of factory di storie, temi e personaggi che la testata ricoprì durante la mitica gestione di Stan Lee e Jack kirby. 

Per l'occasione il nuovo gruppo sfoggerà delle tutine completamente nuove (e inguardabili), bianche e immacolate. 

FF #1 Copertina di Steve Epting

FF #1 copertina dell'edizione Variant Daniel Acuna

USA edition editorial pages where
Hickman presents the new project and the characters

The new Fantastic Four?

Here are the first tables drawn from a Future Foundation




illustration by Daniel Acuna

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shiny Gold For Gpsphone


Dwayne McDuffie made a portrait by his friend and collaborator
Denys Cowan

I learned with surprise and regret, the sudden disappearance of Dwayne McDuffie, writer U.S. divided his time between the world of speech bubbles (recently had occupied the Fantastic Four for Marvel and Justice League for DC Comics) and animation (only the day before yesterday was a preview of its projected last work, the feature-length animated feature from All Star Superman).

an image from All Star Superman

At the time of writing, the cause of death of Dwayne McDuffie is still unclear. There is talk of complications occurred during surgery made, perhaps as a result of an accident.

Dwayne McDuffie his debut in comics in the late '80s, as a member of the editorial staff at Marvel. At the house of ideas, McDuffie took care to play the role of editor for special projects, but pointed out especially for the hilarious Damage Control (a team of workers ready to take action to repair the disaster made by superheroes over the clashes with the villains) and a nice set of Deathlock (pages on which the union was born with Denys Cowan ).

leaving Marvel, McDuffie founded the Milestone label focused on the proposal for a fictional universe in which there was a majority of African American heroes (and for the achievement of which were used predominantly African-American authors). For Milestone , which was produced and distributed by DC Comics , McDuffie created Static (which was also the protagonist of an animated series called Static Shock, played in the most coveted slot in the U.S. , that of Saturday morning. The screenplay for one of the episodes of the series, focuses on youth violence and the use of firearms, earned him the victory of prestigious Humanitas Prize), Xombi and Icon .

cover of the first historic number of Damage Control

Monday, February 21, 2011

Alternative To Toontown


Valter Darkness # 12
Page 57
table missing

He caused quite a stir and discomfort as the discovery of a typographical error made in stage layout, the pages of the twelfth and concluding volume of Valter Dark , page 57, in fact, was blown in its place was published on page 59, with the result that was reproduced twice . The Star Comics has announced that it will delay the replacement of the register in question, and in the meantime to allow the reading distributed on-line page was missing (we suggest above, in opening this topic).

Here we present the text of the announcement of the publisher:

a result of a typographical error, the number 12 Valter Blind (last volume of the series) presents a missing page. The page was mistakenly replaced with 57 p. 59 which then appears twice in the book.
What we quote below is the missing page.
Considering ' amount of error and the high quality of the series Valter dark, we decided to reprint the book and provide replacement. Copies of Darkness 12 Valter no error will be made available by March 15, 2011.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Pokemon Heart Gold Anti-freeeze Patch


cover of 30 Days of Night created by Sam Kieth

The IDW Publishing ; announced his return to the library, after a pause lasted three years (the last volume was published in 2008), in what is perhaps their most prestigious palace Series: 30 Days of Night (published in Italy by Magic Press under the title 30 Days of Night ). Founded in 2002 by

Steve Niles and Ben Templesmith , 30 Days of Night is a horror-based saga of vampires, thanks to the brilliant insights of its creator, has revolutionized the genre with thousands and thousands of followers around the world (in addition to create a film produced by Sam Raimi , books and video games).

To give new life and to relaunch the brand we can expect the unusual pair of authors consists of Joe R. Lansdale and Sam Kieth .

About this new miniseries, Editor Tom Waltz said "the story will focus on a group of survivors infestation of vampires. A group of people who will try to save find salvation in the woods of Alaska. " course will have to deal with the vampires ...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Tenting In Hemidiaphragm


a cartoon (presented in an exclusive preview) is the second novel by Stria
Bonelli made da Luigi Sime Simeoni
La notizia è stata comunicata ufficialmente sul sito della Sergio Bonelli Editore : nel 2011 saranno due i Romanzi a fumetti pubblicati dalla casa editrice milanese. 

Oltre a Stria , realizzato da Luigi Simeoni , di cui vi abbiamo già parlato nei giorni scorsi, sarà pubblicato un secondo volume, realizzato da Tito Faraci e dall'infaticabile maestro Roberto Diso , il cui titolo di lavorazione è per il momento Linea di Sangue . Se di Linea di Sangue si sa ancora poco - al momento l'editore ha comunicato solo che si tratta di un romanzo ambientato nel 1944, la cui trama si dipana su due fronti, quello bellico di Cassino e quello "civile" delle strade di New York e della guerre tra bande, sullo sfondo i destini di due uomini impegnati su fronti diversi ma i cui cammini sono destinati a incrociarsi e fondersi - cominciano, invece, a emergere sempre più dettagli sul romanzo realizzato da Luigi Simeoni. 

E' lo stesso autore bresciano, infatti, a redigere e pubblicare sul proprio sito un interessante dossier su Stria ( lo trovate Q U I ) . 

To give an answer to those who wonder what Stria thinks, therefore, the same Sime writes:

"is a horror novel. Or not: it is a psychological thriller. Or is it a crime ... Or is all three things together, because there is the possibility to choose what kind entrust their hand for advancing in reading. It will be a horror for those who want to suspend your disbelief and let themselves be led little by little in a world of ghosts. But it will be a journey through the maze of the human psyche, generating monsters, or a judicial inquiry conducted over thirty years, for those who prefer to give a more realistic reading of the story.
still a cartoon, exclusive preview, taken from Stria

As regards the setting of the novel, explains how he came Simeoni the idea:

I did not choose the "location", but she came my way: it is the place to spend every August vacation with my family, a town of Valle Trompia Marmentino call an angle of nature is still wild and clean, kept quiet by a community and jealous of its ancient traditions. The Valley Trompia is a blanket of fragrant woods and grassy fields, fodder for cattle, lying on his luck for millennia largest economic: the deposits of iron and manganese that have allowed the flourishing of the arms industry, famous throughout the world . The masses of earth and rock that make up the surrounding mountains were in the most remote prehistoric times, a seabed. And still keep small treasures fossils, which appear here and there among the rocks.
an environment rich in character and experience autobiographical:
happily pass my Marmentino to leave since 1974. I lived there my summers as a child, then as a teenager and finally a father, in turn, of children and adolescents. The opportunity to pay tribute to the tenderness, the severity and the ancient mysteries of these mountains seemed perfect: a story that at once embrace the folklore and traditional children's game, the fable and the darkness of the forest, the desire to grow and the loss of innocence.

To read the full text of the presentation written by Luigi Simeoni I refer you to the Site, which you can connect by simply clicking HERE .
Here I propose alcune tavole tratta dal sito della Sergio Bonelli (le prime quattro) e da quelle dell'autore (le ultime tre) 








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STRIA Thursday, February 10, 2011: GET THE TRAILER OF THE NEW NOVEL comic Luigi Simeoni
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Saturday, September 12, 2009 graphic novels BONELLI: NEW 'ON THE NEXT VOLUME OF GIGI SIMEONI
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