Before sentencing on cycling and its surroundings, how do I start of each month, I go (very late) to remind the person of the young 23 year old cyclist Carla Swart (GC HTC Columbia High Road). Carla was killed ten days ago, due to a collision with a truck while training on the roads of South Africa. On the site Women's Cycling for all other news.
CONFERENCE LIVE TV to proclaim innocence without hesitation. DEFENSIVE LINE FROM "OR ALL OR NOTHING."
proposal for a one year ban, as a sort of lump sum payment "Look ... you take this dark, and everyone is happier:" This proposal will "light" makes it clear that Contador was found certainly positive, but not so bombarded by have an advantage. A kind of middle ground. A blow to the rim and the barrel. Contador did not want to know, throwing in front of dozens of microphones and cameras to its cleaning cycle.
If the English had cooperated, were it not that went before the cameras to repeat the substance of the things said in the fall, and was instead presented to the world saying that it accepted - even with all the reluctance in the world - the disqualification would have a tour less, but could perhaps be at the start of the season. Instead s'impunta, speaking of checks obsolete and false positives. Songs already heard. What you want? Undo all the positives of the last two, in fact we do three or maybe four years? On the institutional side
however, breaks the Iberian Federciclismo in good shape, leading to the English champion (who is a champion no doubt, and the boxes for this run even more) a year to stop the proposal. What do they want? Ask if an athlete's disqualification is good? All we need is that they sound the trumpet-style "Happy Birthday" and there we are. A disqualification shall not be proposed. A disqualification must be imposed. If this is the way to work, do not be surprised in the theater of Valverde.
Bijarne Riis came to the rescue. Mister beautiful hair brings to the table of topics for a "plan B" to be displayed in the event of a last card to play. No one knows what it is, but Mr. 60% (old nickname born from suspicions about certain "values" of 1996), we can expect a leap of imagination to the foreground.
The thing is that once again the fans are divided. Personally I am inclined to a positive value of the English cyclist (I may be wrong and I would not mind), but is yet another substance clenbuterol asthma. And cycling is monstrous in the percentage cyclists or cyclists in the last 8 or 10 years have started to have asthma. At all levels, from the big world, the less big on Sunday. There is talk of giving condemned without trial, but if we continue to question the work of anti-doping laboratories and close it all begin to truly pray.
There were controls, these controls see the use of existing instruments of the best. Usually, after the levies are applied to the tubes of adhesive label bearing a number, which is the same on the module which is held by the official doctor, and you see the person matching the number on the tube with the code on modello. Nel laboratorio si esaminano le provette in maniera casuale, che hanno un numero ma non un nome per salvaguardare la persona da eventuali episodi di preconcetto. Quando i medici trovano delle provette “positive” lo comunicano all’ufficiale medico che ha la lista con i numeri ma anche i nomi scritti a fianco. Dal laboratorio, insomma, esce un numero e basta. Cosa vogliamo ancora?
Contador accetti l’eventuale squalifica, senza tirare in ballo l’onore – per quanto importante come sportivo, siamo davanti a una persona che corre in bicicletta – e collabori al massimo dei massimi con l’UCI. Niente “piani B”, niente ricorsi ad oltranza, e lasci perdere la cronaca degli oltre 500 controlli già superati. Se ritiene di essere vittima illustre di un qualche affare sporco, indaghi e porti in tribunale chi pensa sia colpevole di questo. Riuscirebbe a riguadagnare dagli appassionati un’applauso veramente convinto lungo la strada. Un Valverde-bis o un Di Luca-bis sarebbero indigeribili, almeno per chi scrive.
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