Nigg inside
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Examples Of An Alpha Kappa Alpha
.... To all those who Passaniti OF HERE 'AND THEN;
Merry Christmas to my friends of the parties (not list them here or else I forget this and then I put it out but leave another and a whole mess like that ...).
Merry Christmas to people who then Passaniti of here on time or even occasionally. If there are people of Feltre (which is definitely suspect, and for some time) please get in touch.
Merry Christmas to Liverpool, perhaps il visitatore più giovane del sito, che spero non passi di qua proprio questi giorni, sennò sua mamma mi tira idealmente il collo per la Babba Natale.
Auguri…..a Fede(rica) – precisiamo, che non si sa mai – impegnata nella lotta quotidiana con l’esame di giornata, o con l’autobus che non arriva più, o con una forza misteriosa che arriva dagli Oasis che la “obbligano” a chiudere prima il libro di testo.
Auguri a Stribili che veste la maglia rosa di una corsa dove le montagne non sono mancate. Ci vorrebbe Lorenzo Roata a raccontarne le tappe.
Auguri a Marina Romoli che ha vissuto un 2010 che purtroppo non dimenticherà.
Buone feste ad Alessandro, blogger dal pedigree I miss the family-cycle-De Zan have at home.
Happy holidays to another Italian cyclist can not remember the name but never that, for some reason, always makes me think of the disk Battisti "Our dear angel."
All these people, but certainly not for the athletes and sporting false, "Pedalator" Merry Christmas wishes.
Just right for "a level playing field" ...
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Uses Of Mixer Grinder
READ !....
Cycling has a great story, made up of many small stories. And because the side heard by the people, the fans, is that of simplicity, I asked Alessandro Oriani if \u200b\u200bI could "exploit" for those who were his cycling years. Years that led up to the amateurs. On the table two glasses and a bottle. We fill them, let us together.
Alex, I know that your family has experienced the world of cycling already many years ago, because one of your grandparents was part of the "caravan" in the big races. Can you tell us something about this?
"My family (to me) has always breathed cycling from my great-grandfather Carlo Oriani, who won the Giro d 'Italy in 1912 Lombardy in 1913 and a mesh "Main", my grandfather Gino Oriani was the 'driver' s flagship Fausto Coppi 1946 to 1954, he gave me two links of Fausto and jealously guards that are still in perfect condition I have kept for years (and I also cycled) a Bianchi with which he had run the champion in 1953.
The stories of my father on trips to listen to radio, as the great pistards Maspes, Post, Plattner, Gaiardoni, Rousseau, Harris, the 6 days at the indoor stadium in Milan of the 70s and 80s, with improbable stories of my workouts My father and uncle at 5 in the morning because you had to go back in time to go to work or after work, Vigorelli velodrome, the falls I've remedied on that track too difficult and too technical for a mediocre runner like me, the memorable story of my father who once pretended mechanic Peter Post and entered the parterre bike (by Peter Post) shoulder in the days before the championship on runway held in Milan, and behold, these are my roots modest former runner failed with great passion and great historical memory, I knew Maspes, I rode (in training) with Claudio Chiappucci, with Alberto Elli, with Stefano Allocchio, I met with former Johan Musseuw training in the hills of Brianza, Gewiss I knit and I was mistaken for a real racer, great emotion. Coming from here, "
classic question, and your first bike. The memories?
“La mia prima bici da corsa era una "Terruzzi" blu metallizzata ricevuta a 7 anni (credo) che trattavo come una fuoriserie e che mi ha fatto da palestra per le mie prime uscite e i miei primi mal di gambe sulle collinette della Brianza ad un certo punto era diventata talmente piccola da costringermi ad usare un canotto reggisella talmente lungo da sembrare illegale; ero aerodinamico e ridicolo, la bici ? Non so che fine abbia fatto, non ricordo”
Da ciclista sei arrivato fino al dilettantismo. Con quali Gruppi Sportivi hai corso?
“Ho corso per il "Pedale Sestese" da allievo nelle stagioni 1983 e 1984, sono passato poi alla "UC Sestese cicli Taldo" che altro non era se non una costola del Pedale Sestese (società che esiste tuttora) formata da transfughi in rotta con la dirigenza e alcuni tecnici, per questa società ho corso nel 1985 e 1986, l' ultimo anno (il 1987, da dilettante di seconda serie) ho corso per una società bergamasca, il "GS Mobili Turani", conservo tuttora una maglia da gara di questa squadra”
Oggi ci sono dilettanti che possono permettersi di pensare solo al pedalare. Com’era la tua vita da ciclista dilettante? Dovevi dividerti tra lavoro e bicicletta?
“Spiace deludere i romantici di un certo ciclismo che non esiste più da tempo immemorabile, ma già allora il ciclismo (ancorché dilettantistico) era uno sport al quale (solo per finish well the race) had to pay 101% of 'commitment, those who worked could not hold certain rhythms, especially when the categories of amateur before (the elite without contract date) and the second series (the "under 23" today) together without running separate classifications, a 18 year old boy with high hopes I happened to try to "suffer" the train of people 26 to 27 years since he went pro among amateurs because they earned more, had to suffer because "those "pushing 12, with the ease of a child playing well and finish the races was already half a victory, because the way you had teams like" Carrera Inoxpran ", the" Brescialat ", the" Chateau 's Axe "not easy"
Your amateur cycling world was that? "There were some good things that were maintained and remember with pleasure? more that you think you are lost?
" One good thing about amateur cycling then? Well, it is difficult to say that there was a bit less (but not much eh?) exasperation, there was a chance to grow alongside more experienced runners who could give you the right advice if they saw that you committed and made you down a peg if you act like an "arrived", and there were hierarchies of respect. What is left? Frankly I do not know, I do not see a male running for 10 years, I do not know how the ' environment, it may seem strange to the reader, but I miss it. Sorry ... "
What training did you do? Eri-employee table?
"With regard to training, I must say that I never went" a feeling ", if it was written in table 160 km, and those were the most frequently became 175-180 preferably tracks along with amateurs of the first series ( opened up when the turbo was pain!), the tables I did because I liked being involved in myself, because I always thought that a runner must know how to deal only with regard to training. Chapter
repeated: I started her junior but they were something that already I knew from the time of the non-competitive runners who played as a kid, I had heard by riders like Massimo Magnani (then coach of the marathon) and Franco Arese, I saw the training of the national athletics at Parco di Monza: people at 7 morning 's winter, cold, in the' anonymous, was preparing, spitting blood, I have taken those concepts and transferred them in cycling, in a very traditional course, but I knew that I would have helped. I felt like a pioneer and gave me the idiot. Patience. "
What are your memories of the cyclists with whom he ran and then have had no luck in the pros?
"This is a sad note, the strong (the name that is used regularly to Gianluca Bortolami) could not reach outside of racing, never understood where and how they train, were already out with the national team and made life in itself, to be honest I did not hardly speak with the "pro" that I met in training and not with my same age, there was an invisible barrier that no one (least of all those who struggled to finish races) would or could pass. "
There are a couple of races you remember more than others in particular, for better or for worse? And why?
"There are several races that I remember with particular pleasure:" Cup of 'winter', the last race calendar, running the first Sunday in November to Biassono (MI) of cold, high speed, numerous public (the Brianza is cycling paradise) and passionate, melancholy because I knew there would be a "next year" the beautiful race 'Cup 's winter, "I saw a year on that goal win Bugno (running for" Supermarkets Brianza "), I saw a huge, dominant Mario Scirea, I was a student and there I understood what it meant to" make the race ", it seems easy, It happened to me a couple of times, by mistake, I think. Another beautiful race that I attended is the "short tour of Lombardy", "my" street, the colors of 'the fall, the lake of Lecco and Como, the Ghisallo, the Pian Tivano the atmosphere, from "great" in two words "really cool".
I remember racing there are several worse: dangerous paths, huge potholes, open sewers (I happened to Pozzo d 'Adda (BG)) that the group avoided all times by a miracle, I've played too much and I removed from my memory. "
were a freak mm (as the writer) for your bike, or you trust the mechanic without thinking too much?
"The bike would also be in order because it was my bike and could not afford to fall apart, the less demanding jobs I was doing them for the rest I rely on trusted mechanic, I had the 'habit to check and recheck everything over and over again, not that I do not fidassi, but I happened to miss the placings as a result of 'incompetence of others, I had become meticulous by force. "
Now where's the bike?
"The bike (a Taldo red) and half-dismantled in the attic, next spring I would like to fix it pays to see her in that state makes me sick, I do not think pedaler more up there because each frame has suffered, but a good restoration deserves it. "
For many years you've followed the women's cycling. How did the passion for that environment?
"The passion for cycling was born female alla 6 giorni di Milano (1983 ? 1984 ? Non ricordo esattamente), forse perché... boh, mi sembrava un mondo un pò più "pulito" rispetto a quello del ciclismo maschile, forse perché sono sempre stato dalla parte degli "underdogs" per dirla all' americana, ho sempre pensato che il movimento (le atlete in primis) avrebbe meritato ben altra considerazione e attenzione da parte di pubblico e media, ho avuto l' onore di vedere all' opera atlete del calibro di Maria Canins, Roberta Bonanomi, Imelda Chiappa, Francesca Galli, Catherine Marsal, Antonella Bellutti, Jennifer Thompson, Rebecca Twigg, Connie Carpenter, Marianne Berglund, Mery Cressari, Luigina Bissoli, Zita Urbonaite (r.i.p.), Diana Ziliute e nella mia long career as a fan I had respect for the athletes, their toil, I was excited, I cried a lot, I identified with their pain when I saw them on the ground wounded in body and 'soul. Is it enough? "
After the career, you also running the marathon?
"Never did the Gran Fondo, I always thought that there is a time for everything, I could not break through for obvious physical limitations, and character, I ran, I enjoyed it, I do not regret anything and I thank God to still be here talking about it, go for the Gran Fondo would not have added anything to my (former) bankruptcy career mediocre amateur No, that's okay. "
You know the amateur cycling, and even women. There are people in these two "movements" with which you stay in touch?
"I was not in contact with anyone in the 'environment of the amateurs, I live in front of the seat of my former company, but honestly I have never crossed my mind the thought of going back just to say hello, like so many others do not I wanted to know more and the same goes for the women's cycling: recent positive doping cases (Cucinotta earlier, then Rossi) helped to move away, sometimes I think I hurt, I put in the group of bad people who do not even and has always had nothing to do with the course mezzi leali, ma come ho già detto e ripetuto un sacco di volte sui miei defunti blog, amo troppo il ciclismo, non sono uno che fa finta di niente e passa oltre con un "dimentichiamo tutto". Mi dispiace.”
La chiacchierata finisce qui. Grazie Alessandro. Resta nei bicchieri l’ultimo sorso; alla salute.
Cycling has a great story, made up of many small stories. And because the side heard by the people, the fans, is that of simplicity, I asked Alessandro Oriani if \u200b\u200bI could "exploit" for those who were his cycling years. Years that led up to the amateurs. On the table two glasses and a bottle. We fill them, let us together.
Alex, I know that your family has experienced the world of cycling already many years ago, because one of your grandparents was part of the "caravan" in the big races. Can you tell us something about this?
"My family (to me) has always breathed cycling from my great-grandfather Carlo Oriani, who won the Giro d 'Italy in 1912 Lombardy in 1913 and a mesh "Main", my grandfather Gino Oriani was the 'driver' s flagship Fausto Coppi 1946 to 1954, he gave me two links of Fausto and jealously guards that are still in perfect condition I have kept for years (and I also cycled) a Bianchi with which he had run the champion in 1953.
The stories of my father on trips to listen to radio, as the great pistards Maspes, Post, Plattner, Gaiardoni, Rousseau, Harris, the 6 days at the indoor stadium in Milan of the 70s and 80s, with improbable stories of my workouts My father and uncle at 5 in the morning because you had to go back in time to go to work or after work, Vigorelli velodrome, the falls I've remedied on that track too difficult and too technical for a mediocre runner like me, the memorable story of my father who once pretended mechanic Peter Post and entered the parterre bike (by Peter Post) shoulder in the days before the championship on runway held in Milan, and behold, these are my roots modest former runner failed with great passion and great historical memory, I knew Maspes, I rode (in training) with Claudio Chiappucci, with Alberto Elli, with Stefano Allocchio, I met with former Johan Musseuw training in the hills of Brianza, Gewiss I knit and I was mistaken for a real racer, great emotion. Coming from here, "
classic question, and your first bike. The memories?
“La mia prima bici da corsa era una "Terruzzi" blu metallizzata ricevuta a 7 anni (credo) che trattavo come una fuoriserie e che mi ha fatto da palestra per le mie prime uscite e i miei primi mal di gambe sulle collinette della Brianza ad un certo punto era diventata talmente piccola da costringermi ad usare un canotto reggisella talmente lungo da sembrare illegale; ero aerodinamico e ridicolo, la bici ? Non so che fine abbia fatto, non ricordo”
Da ciclista sei arrivato fino al dilettantismo. Con quali Gruppi Sportivi hai corso?
“Ho corso per il "Pedale Sestese" da allievo nelle stagioni 1983 e 1984, sono passato poi alla "UC Sestese cicli Taldo" che altro non era se non una costola del Pedale Sestese (società che esiste tuttora) formata da transfughi in rotta con la dirigenza e alcuni tecnici, per questa società ho corso nel 1985 e 1986, l' ultimo anno (il 1987, da dilettante di seconda serie) ho corso per una società bergamasca, il "GS Mobili Turani", conservo tuttora una maglia da gara di questa squadra”
Oggi ci sono dilettanti che possono permettersi di pensare solo al pedalare. Com’era la tua vita da ciclista dilettante? Dovevi dividerti tra lavoro e bicicletta?
“Spiace deludere i romantici di un certo ciclismo che non esiste più da tempo immemorabile, ma già allora il ciclismo (ancorché dilettantistico) era uno sport al quale (solo per finish well the race) had to pay 101% of 'commitment, those who worked could not hold certain rhythms, especially when the categories of amateur before (the elite without contract date) and the second series (the "under 23" today) together without running separate classifications, a 18 year old boy with high hopes I happened to try to "suffer" the train of people 26 to 27 years since he went pro among amateurs because they earned more, had to suffer because "those "pushing 12, with the ease of a child playing well and finish the races was already half a victory, because the way you had teams like" Carrera Inoxpran ", the" Brescialat ", the" Chateau 's Axe "not easy"
Your amateur cycling world was that? "There were some good things that were maintained and remember with pleasure? more that you think you are lost?
" One good thing about amateur cycling then? Well, it is difficult to say that there was a bit less (but not much eh?) exasperation, there was a chance to grow alongside more experienced runners who could give you the right advice if they saw that you committed and made you down a peg if you act like an "arrived", and there were hierarchies of respect. What is left? Frankly I do not know, I do not see a male running for 10 years, I do not know how the ' environment, it may seem strange to the reader, but I miss it. Sorry ... "
What training did you do? Eri-employee table?
"With regard to training, I must say that I never went" a feeling ", if it was written in table 160 km, and those were the most frequently became 175-180 preferably tracks along with amateurs of the first series ( opened up when the turbo was pain!), the tables I did because I liked being involved in myself, because I always thought that a runner must know how to deal only with regard to training. Chapter
repeated: I started her junior but they were something that already I knew from the time of the non-competitive runners who played as a kid, I had heard by riders like Massimo Magnani (then coach of the marathon) and Franco Arese, I saw the training of the national athletics at Parco di Monza: people at 7 morning 's winter, cold, in the' anonymous, was preparing, spitting blood, I have taken those concepts and transferred them in cycling, in a very traditional course, but I knew that I would have helped. I felt like a pioneer and gave me the idiot. Patience. "
What are your memories of the cyclists with whom he ran and then have had no luck in the pros?
"This is a sad note, the strong (the name that is used regularly to Gianluca Bortolami) could not reach outside of racing, never understood where and how they train, were already out with the national team and made life in itself, to be honest I did not hardly speak with the "pro" that I met in training and not with my same age, there was an invisible barrier that no one (least of all those who struggled to finish races) would or could pass. "
There are a couple of races you remember more than others in particular, for better or for worse? And why?
"There are several races that I remember with particular pleasure:" Cup of 'winter', the last race calendar, running the first Sunday in November to Biassono (MI) of cold, high speed, numerous public (the Brianza is cycling paradise) and passionate, melancholy because I knew there would be a "next year" the beautiful race 'Cup 's winter, "I saw a year on that goal win Bugno (running for" Supermarkets Brianza "), I saw a huge, dominant Mario Scirea, I was a student and there I understood what it meant to" make the race ", it seems easy, It happened to me a couple of times, by mistake, I think. Another beautiful race that I attended is the "short tour of Lombardy", "my" street, the colors of 'the fall, the lake of Lecco and Como, the Ghisallo, the Pian Tivano the atmosphere, from "great" in two words "really cool".
I remember racing there are several worse: dangerous paths, huge potholes, open sewers (I happened to Pozzo d 'Adda (BG)) that the group avoided all times by a miracle, I've played too much and I removed from my memory. "
were a freak mm (as the writer) for your bike, or you trust the mechanic without thinking too much?
"The bike would also be in order because it was my bike and could not afford to fall apart, the less demanding jobs I was doing them for the rest I rely on trusted mechanic, I had the 'habit to check and recheck everything over and over again, not that I do not fidassi, but I happened to miss the placings as a result of 'incompetence of others, I had become meticulous by force. "
Now where's the bike?
"The bike (a Taldo red) and half-dismantled in the attic, next spring I would like to fix it pays to see her in that state makes me sick, I do not think pedaler more up there because each frame has suffered, but a good restoration deserves it. "
For many years you've followed the women's cycling. How did the passion for that environment?
"The passion for cycling was born female alla 6 giorni di Milano (1983 ? 1984 ? Non ricordo esattamente), forse perché... boh, mi sembrava un mondo un pò più "pulito" rispetto a quello del ciclismo maschile, forse perché sono sempre stato dalla parte degli "underdogs" per dirla all' americana, ho sempre pensato che il movimento (le atlete in primis) avrebbe meritato ben altra considerazione e attenzione da parte di pubblico e media, ho avuto l' onore di vedere all' opera atlete del calibro di Maria Canins, Roberta Bonanomi, Imelda Chiappa, Francesca Galli, Catherine Marsal, Antonella Bellutti, Jennifer Thompson, Rebecca Twigg, Connie Carpenter, Marianne Berglund, Mery Cressari, Luigina Bissoli, Zita Urbonaite (r.i.p.), Diana Ziliute e nella mia long career as a fan I had respect for the athletes, their toil, I was excited, I cried a lot, I identified with their pain when I saw them on the ground wounded in body and 'soul. Is it enough? "
After the career, you also running the marathon?
"Never did the Gran Fondo, I always thought that there is a time for everything, I could not break through for obvious physical limitations, and character, I ran, I enjoyed it, I do not regret anything and I thank God to still be here talking about it, go for the Gran Fondo would not have added anything to my (former) bankruptcy career mediocre amateur No, that's okay. "
You know the amateur cycling, and even women. There are people in these two "movements" with which you stay in touch?
"I was not in contact with anyone in the 'environment of the amateurs, I live in front of the seat of my former company, but honestly I have never crossed my mind the thought of going back just to say hello, like so many others do not I wanted to know more and the same goes for the women's cycling: recent positive doping cases (Cucinotta earlier, then Rossi) helped to move away, sometimes I think I hurt, I put in the group of bad people who do not even and has always had nothing to do with the course mezzi leali, ma come ho già detto e ripetuto un sacco di volte sui miei defunti blog, amo troppo il ciclismo, non sono uno che fa finta di niente e passa oltre con un "dimentichiamo tutto". Mi dispiace.”
La chiacchierata finisce qui. Grazie Alessandro. Resta nei bicchieri l’ultimo sorso; alla salute.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Digital Playground Pirates 2 Free
Cycling front of the fireplace.
Dalla bocca del ministro della Salute Ferruccio Fazio (Host to the "Tour of Honor" ceremony for 125 years the MF) the news was accurate, in the first half of 2010 there were 500 anti-doping controls among recreational cyclists. In 15.9% of these athletes were found positive. To understand in a less complicated, and about 75 runs per 500-feet. To simplify again, 15 out of 100 cheating. Imagine a GF with 1000 starters, take the bill from you.
Very often you will be aware of athletes who agree to be false, if only to win the race for the ham festival in the country. But it is even worse. There are people who link to their sport as if it were a matter of honor to be the first in their group of friends. Not used medications just to win, but only for "triumph" in the inner race to their team membership. Being the best in its own backyard. No need to hams.
For some, the party with whom you share a passion for a particular sport is not a group of people, but it is a kind of herd where the animal wants to be better. What in a tub, on a saddle, on a pair of skis, inside a lane or on the track where it seems to you will be able to prevail over other sports. Even this ridiculous satisfaction, which for many is not at all ridiculous, throw in a corner the desire to play sports in order to gain wealth. Here lo sport diventa così non soltanto un modo per acquistare fiducia in se stessi, ma funziona talmente bene che più si riesce a stare al vertice, più si vuole rimanerci perché ci si sente appagati e forti. La matematica non è un’opinione. Proprio per questo motivo l’istintivo pensiero di molti vive nella filosofia del; “Io sono davanti a loro. Sono meglio di loro.”
Nell’autunno del 2003, presso il Salone del Ciclo di Milano (quando il salone era tale, e non una bidonata come quest’anno), held a conference on doping in cycling amateurs. In his speech, the President Francesco Barberis UDACE suggests that the problem "... requires us to highlight the issues and bring them to the attention of all, professionals and those who are lovers of true sportsmanship, and desirous of a lively sports from healthy ideals. "Shortly before un'accenno also to support," ... information on the negative aspects and the psycho-physical damage caused by the practice of doping ... "This autumn seven years ago.
I know from experience that in schools it comes to power. During the period when preparing a conference on nutrition in sport for the AC PST I realized, since different materials used for our conference is supporting several of the information. News steak on white and red meat, the potato, which is not considered, the pulses that blah, blah, blah ... all right arguments and useful. But
doping talk about it? He speaks in sports clubs, where children are introduced to the world of sports? How many sports clubs that organize moments of explanation about the damage from the use of medicines without a real good reason? There are conventions that deal with ethics in sport, but it is little. It speaks to the children of the apple trees of doping in the physical. What causes the body to use drugs in healthy people.
Why does not require the same UDACE affiliated companies, even those that have enrolled a minimum of (type, "you have at least 30 licensed? Then listen up ..."), to organize at least once a year of education at the moment sport? UDACE I'm talking about, but it could be the same for the FIGC for the FIS and the like other federations. A conference we have put in place that we do not have any money, let others do not have much chance. Of course, when you're nobody, you must also know how to be a short break as the ******* for attention and credibility. But if the writer has done it, others may well do so. If
there is fear of losing money, explaining that doping comes a bit 'everywhere, and then parents, fearful, and forbid children to play sports, walk or adults wanting to make or renew a card with the sporting body "so and so", then at least you do not chatter about passion for the sport.
Doping is a friend who can meet you for a friendly pat on the back, driven by good words and a smile to 150 teeth. Take a good jack and gave it to print on them.
Dalla bocca del ministro della Salute Ferruccio Fazio (Host to the "Tour of Honor" ceremony for 125 years the MF) the news was accurate, in the first half of 2010 there were 500 anti-doping controls among recreational cyclists. In 15.9% of these athletes were found positive. To understand in a less complicated, and about 75 runs per 500-feet. To simplify again, 15 out of 100 cheating. Imagine a GF with 1000 starters, take the bill from you.
Very often you will be aware of athletes who agree to be false, if only to win the race for the ham festival in the country. But it is even worse. There are people who link to their sport as if it were a matter of honor to be the first in their group of friends. Not used medications just to win, but only for "triumph" in the inner race to their team membership. Being the best in its own backyard. No need to hams.
For some, the party with whom you share a passion for a particular sport is not a group of people, but it is a kind of herd where the animal wants to be better. What in a tub, on a saddle, on a pair of skis, inside a lane or on the track where it seems to you will be able to prevail over other sports. Even this ridiculous satisfaction, which for many is not at all ridiculous, throw in a corner the desire to play sports in order to gain wealth. Here lo sport diventa così non soltanto un modo per acquistare fiducia in se stessi, ma funziona talmente bene che più si riesce a stare al vertice, più si vuole rimanerci perché ci si sente appagati e forti. La matematica non è un’opinione. Proprio per questo motivo l’istintivo pensiero di molti vive nella filosofia del; “Io sono davanti a loro. Sono meglio di loro.”
Nell’autunno del 2003, presso il Salone del Ciclo di Milano (quando il salone era tale, e non una bidonata come quest’anno), held a conference on doping in cycling amateurs. In his speech, the President Francesco Barberis UDACE suggests that the problem "... requires us to highlight the issues and bring them to the attention of all, professionals and those who are lovers of true sportsmanship, and desirous of a lively sports from healthy ideals. "Shortly before un'accenno also to support," ... information on the negative aspects and the psycho-physical damage caused by the practice of doping ... "This autumn seven years ago.
I know from experience that in schools it comes to power. During the period when preparing a conference on nutrition in sport for the AC PST I realized, since different materials used for our conference is supporting several of the information. News steak on white and red meat, the potato, which is not considered, the pulses that blah, blah, blah ... all right arguments and useful. But
doping talk about it? He speaks in sports clubs, where children are introduced to the world of sports? How many sports clubs that organize moments of explanation about the damage from the use of medicines without a real good reason? There are conventions that deal with ethics in sport, but it is little. It speaks to the children of the apple trees of doping in the physical. What causes the body to use drugs in healthy people.
Why does not require the same UDACE affiliated companies, even those that have enrolled a minimum of (type, "you have at least 30 licensed? Then listen up ..."), to organize at least once a year of education at the moment sport? UDACE I'm talking about, but it could be the same for the FIGC for the FIS and the like other federations. A conference we have put in place that we do not have any money, let others do not have much chance. Of course, when you're nobody, you must also know how to be a short break as the ******* for attention and credibility. But if the writer has done it, others may well do so. If
there is fear of losing money, explaining that doping comes a bit 'everywhere, and then parents, fearful, and forbid children to play sports, walk or adults wanting to make or renew a card with the sporting body "so and so", then at least you do not chatter about passion for the sport.
Doping is a friend who can meet you for a friendly pat on the back, driven by good words and a smile to 150 teeth. Take a good jack and gave it to print on them.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Can You Tan Before A Waxing
Another lousy day, but keep it up!
Laugh, laugh .... Fuentes that made the dumplings!
Per dirla in due parole; un vero schifo. Le parole sarebbero tre, ma poco cambia. Che la famiglia Bernucci sia molto unita, da oggi saranno pochi quelli che avranno il coraggio di metterlo in dubbio.
Ettore Torri ritorna in prima linea, ma stavolta lascia perdere le scariche di mitra e mette sul tavolo una richiesta per 22 anni totali di squalifica. Lorenzo Bernucci era stato sospeso dalla Lampre in primavera, ora arrivano i dettagli. Per possesso e traffico di sostanze illecite; coinvolti mamma, moglie, fratello e suocero dell’ex ciclista GS Italian (only asked him for 6 years).
But cycling is not just a sickening cloud of dust. The queen of the sport, athletics, was betrayed by one of his queens. Spain's Marta Dominguez - plurimedagliata middle distance running - was arrested for her and accuses drug trafficking and laundering of drugs.
In this story back in the news sports "el senor" Eufemiano Fuentes. A doctor who specializes in sports fraud (this is the doping), is that in recent years had been "helping" a lot of sports, football, cycling, athletics ... The hope is that once locked up in jail, lose the porters suddenly the keys.
Laugh, laugh .... Fuentes that made the dumplings!
Per dirla in due parole; un vero schifo. Le parole sarebbero tre, ma poco cambia. Che la famiglia Bernucci sia molto unita, da oggi saranno pochi quelli che avranno il coraggio di metterlo in dubbio.
Ettore Torri ritorna in prima linea, ma stavolta lascia perdere le scariche di mitra e mette sul tavolo una richiesta per 22 anni totali di squalifica. Lorenzo Bernucci era stato sospeso dalla Lampre in primavera, ora arrivano i dettagli. Per possesso e traffico di sostanze illecite; coinvolti mamma, moglie, fratello e suocero dell’ex ciclista GS Italian (only asked him for 6 years).
But cycling is not just a sickening cloud of dust. The queen of the sport, athletics, was betrayed by one of his queens. Spain's Marta Dominguez - plurimedagliata middle distance running - was arrested for her and accuses drug trafficking and laundering of drugs.
In this story back in the news sports "el senor" Eufemiano Fuentes. A doctor who specializes in sports fraud (this is the doping), is that in recent years had been "helping" a lot of sports, football, cycling, athletics ... The hope is that once locked up in jail, lose the porters suddenly the keys.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
How Un Remove A Post On Facebook
Road safety: the never ending story.
corpses scattered on the road, which saw the death comes in the face without warning, and mowed them away from the world without any hesitation. On their white sheets to cover them. Helmets broken, some flown away, lying in 30 meters from the lifeless bodies. A bike flew through the air. It is hanging on its own, the sheer force of impact on the gate of a nearby house. Montanelli said that the horror adds nothing to the truth of the facts.
The writer uses the bike paths when possible. That is, first of all, when the skin is not likely to "take the track" and use it (there are bike paths with the thought of sitting with my feet and facts, which have been used, at the time, just can not miss the various regional contributions, provincial, etc ...). The images come from Lamezia Terme, who opened the evening news last Sunday, seems to provoke a shootout between gangs. Now the topic "The cyclists on our roads" has received more attention in three days than in recent years. But what is the relationship we have with the bike?
Twenty-nine million! What? Di biciclette. In Italia possiamo quantificare in 29 milioni il numero di biciclette esistenti tra nuove e vecchie di ogni tipo. Dalle Mountain bike ultimo grido, fino alle Graziella mezze arrugginite e dormienti nei nostri sottoscala.
Negli ultimi anni i chilometri di piste ciclabili sono più che raddoppiati; in tutta Italia erano 1.000 chilometri nel 2000, mentre nel 2007 erano 2.400. Quando usiamo la bicicletta? Principalmente la domenica. Siamo un popolo ciclistico della domenica. Per il resto, il sedere lo teniamo sempre sul sedile dell’automobile.
Una curiosità? Se dal 2000 al 2007 sono raddoppiati i chilometri di piste ciclabili, sempre in quei 7 anni è raddoppiato anche il prezzo della benzina. Nel nord-est italiano i chilometri of cycling has increased by 100%, but we are 4 times below the standard of the United Europe.
The numbers count only up to a certain extent. There are many miles of paths that are unnecessary because they simply deserted, thrown there to gain positions in the environmental rankings. But one thing must be reported. Between 2002 and 2006, Italy has spent € 5 million in bike paths. Germany will allocate 80 million a year in coming years. Some other number;
HOLLAND - 19 million bicycles, bicycle network planned 6,000 km.
GERMANY - 72 million bike path network provided 35,000 km.
ITALY - 25 million bike path network provided 168 km.
FRANCIA – 21 milioni di bici, rete ciclabile prevista 8.000 km.
GRAN BRETAGNA – 17 milioni di bici, rete ciclabile prevista 16.000 km.
Fatevi una risata; a Torino, fino a due anni addietro, c’erano 13 metri di pista ciclabile ogni 100 abitanti. Dividete per 100; 13.000:100 = 0,13 metri. (13 centimetri a cranio!!). a Vienna avreste per voi 62 metri!
Bella cosa le ciclabili, almeno venissero usate quando presenti. Visto che tanti ciclisti o cicliste della domenica non ci pensano proprio ad usarle. Siamo in tanti, siamo fighi! Le ciclabili ai ragazzini e ai nonnetti!
Nota; questo articolo è stato redatto con notizie tratte da; Corriere della sera – Il Gazzettino – Wikipedia – – Nuovo Codice della strada.
Sono state usate dalla mia Associazione un’anno addietro, chiaramente in maggior quantità, per la rassegna “15 minuti sulla strada del buon senso” che verteva su; piste ciclabili ed uso del casco.
corpses scattered on the road, which saw the death comes in the face without warning, and mowed them away from the world without any hesitation. On their white sheets to cover them. Helmets broken, some flown away, lying in 30 meters from the lifeless bodies. A bike flew through the air. It is hanging on its own, the sheer force of impact on the gate of a nearby house. Montanelli said that the horror adds nothing to the truth of the facts.
The writer uses the bike paths when possible. That is, first of all, when the skin is not likely to "take the track" and use it (there are bike paths with the thought of sitting with my feet and facts, which have been used, at the time, just can not miss the various regional contributions, provincial, etc ...). The images come from Lamezia Terme, who opened the evening news last Sunday, seems to provoke a shootout between gangs. Now the topic "The cyclists on our roads" has received more attention in three days than in recent years. But what is the relationship we have with the bike?
Twenty-nine million! What? Di biciclette. In Italia possiamo quantificare in 29 milioni il numero di biciclette esistenti tra nuove e vecchie di ogni tipo. Dalle Mountain bike ultimo grido, fino alle Graziella mezze arrugginite e dormienti nei nostri sottoscala.
Negli ultimi anni i chilometri di piste ciclabili sono più che raddoppiati; in tutta Italia erano 1.000 chilometri nel 2000, mentre nel 2007 erano 2.400. Quando usiamo la bicicletta? Principalmente la domenica. Siamo un popolo ciclistico della domenica. Per il resto, il sedere lo teniamo sempre sul sedile dell’automobile.
Una curiosità? Se dal 2000 al 2007 sono raddoppiati i chilometri di piste ciclabili, sempre in quei 7 anni è raddoppiato anche il prezzo della benzina. Nel nord-est italiano i chilometri of cycling has increased by 100%, but we are 4 times below the standard of the United Europe.
The numbers count only up to a certain extent. There are many miles of paths that are unnecessary because they simply deserted, thrown there to gain positions in the environmental rankings. But one thing must be reported. Between 2002 and 2006, Italy has spent € 5 million in bike paths. Germany will allocate 80 million a year in coming years. Some other number;
HOLLAND - 19 million bicycles, bicycle network planned 6,000 km.
GERMANY - 72 million bike path network provided 35,000 km.
ITALY - 25 million bike path network provided 168 km.
FRANCIA – 21 milioni di bici, rete ciclabile prevista 8.000 km.
GRAN BRETAGNA – 17 milioni di bici, rete ciclabile prevista 16.000 km.
Fatevi una risata; a Torino, fino a due anni addietro, c’erano 13 metri di pista ciclabile ogni 100 abitanti. Dividete per 100; 13.000:100 = 0,13 metri. (13 centimetri a cranio!!). a Vienna avreste per voi 62 metri!
Bella cosa le ciclabili, almeno venissero usate quando presenti. Visto che tanti ciclisti o cicliste della domenica non ci pensano proprio ad usarle. Siamo in tanti, siamo fighi! Le ciclabili ai ragazzini e ai nonnetti!
Nota; questo articolo è stato redatto con notizie tratte da; Corriere della sera – Il Gazzettino – Wikipedia – – Nuovo Codice della strada.
Sono state usate dalla mia Associazione un’anno addietro, chiaramente in maggior quantità, per la rassegna “15 minuti sulla strada del buon senso” che verteva su; piste ciclabili ed uso del casco.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Hardware Testing Basic Requirement
Cycling front of the fireplace.
In sella! In Italia le nevicate sono già arrivate, ed anche copiose, in molte zone. Giornate da cioccolata calda e pantofole davanti al camino, anzi, al caminetto. I campioni invece si accingono a far fare alle gambe i primi giri di fatica.
Tra questi il quasi trentenne (eh si!) Damiano Cunego, che mai come da quest’inverno sembra avviato verso l’inizio di una seconda carriera ciclistica. L’ormai ex bocia di Cerro Veronese – croce e delizia di appassionati e tecnici – con il tesseramento di Michele Scarponi da parte del GS Lampre, perde la posizione di uomo di riferimento nei grandi giri per la squadra italiana. Era dal 2005 che il biondo ciclista veneto era punto fermo della Lampre nelle gare di tre settimane.
Da almeno due stagioni erano anche in aumento le voci che consigliavano il finisseur italiano di dedicarsi alle gare di a day. The same guy had tried to "hold on" in this sense in recent seasons, trying to prepare specifically in view of Tours Tours or who they were. The results did not go to the expectations, com'anche in some cases there were very disappointing results. If Michele Scarponi Lampre adventure seems to be the so-called great opportunity for Cunego could be the start of a second phase cycling quand'ormai personal calendar reaches the age of 30. When
Cunego was wearing the spotlight, the results are often missed. The choice of boots on the team does not seem to act in an attempt to copy the Liquigas team, who between Low, Pellizotti, Nibali and Kruziger in recent years has brought home a Tour of Switzerland, a tour of Italy, a polka-dot jersey in France and Vuelta. We are not in front of two cyclists, Boots and Cunego, who have very different age cycling (Bass and Nibali). It even seems that Boots is the name for the Grand Tours, and C. Saronni to marry, only to take away attention and then pressure Cunego. Boots wants to win the Tour, and from there you can not escape.
The impression is that Damien has decided to follow the path of the first ever one-day races. Today's schedule fills up the whole of the classical period in March / April, where, between Liege and Ghent Wevelgem, there are 7 classic within a month. Then it's back to the speech che con Scarponi in squadra, sarà quest’ultimo a ricevere notevoli attenzioni degli avversari, dopo il 4° posto – per poco 3° - nella corsa rosa di quest’anno.
Cunego potrebbe approfittare di questo, proprio riguardo al discorso che quando non gli si chiedeva il risultato, spesso tagliava il traguardo prima di tutti gli altri. Ma con l’arrivo del nuovo Direttore Sportivo, Roberto Damiani (ex Gilbert), forse per Cunego è arrivato il bivio ciclistico definitivo. Per Damiano quasi certamente cambierà anche il clima interno al suo GS dove, non essendo più l’unico riferimento della formazione del signor Galbusera, la ricerca del risultato potrà essere equamente divisa tra lui e Scarponi.
It could also be the beginning of a cycling couple much stronger than expected, and could find opportunities to the most unexpected winners. To push this competitiveness also targets of the two. Boots for the occasion of the train right up to the podium in Milan, Cunego to avoid losing the "degrees" in the Lampre. When the water reaches the c ****** i, only the dead do not learn to swim. And this friendly competition within the spring that Cunego could be lost with the departure of the Ballan Lampre a year ago, and before that the old Saeco Simoni.
In sella! In Italia le nevicate sono già arrivate, ed anche copiose, in molte zone. Giornate da cioccolata calda e pantofole davanti al camino, anzi, al caminetto. I campioni invece si accingono a far fare alle gambe i primi giri di fatica.
Tra questi il quasi trentenne (eh si!) Damiano Cunego, che mai come da quest’inverno sembra avviato verso l’inizio di una seconda carriera ciclistica. L’ormai ex bocia di Cerro Veronese – croce e delizia di appassionati e tecnici – con il tesseramento di Michele Scarponi da parte del GS Lampre, perde la posizione di uomo di riferimento nei grandi giri per la squadra italiana. Era dal 2005 che il biondo ciclista veneto era punto fermo della Lampre nelle gare di tre settimane.
Da almeno due stagioni erano anche in aumento le voci che consigliavano il finisseur italiano di dedicarsi alle gare di a day. The same guy had tried to "hold on" in this sense in recent seasons, trying to prepare specifically in view of Tours Tours or who they were. The results did not go to the expectations, com'anche in some cases there were very disappointing results. If Michele Scarponi Lampre adventure seems to be the so-called great opportunity for Cunego could be the start of a second phase cycling quand'ormai personal calendar reaches the age of 30. When
Cunego was wearing the spotlight, the results are often missed. The choice of boots on the team does not seem to act in an attempt to copy the Liquigas team, who between Low, Pellizotti, Nibali and Kruziger in recent years has brought home a Tour of Switzerland, a tour of Italy, a polka-dot jersey in France and Vuelta. We are not in front of two cyclists, Boots and Cunego, who have very different age cycling (Bass and Nibali). It even seems that Boots is the name for the Grand Tours, and C. Saronni to marry, only to take away attention and then pressure Cunego. Boots wants to win the Tour, and from there you can not escape.
The impression is that Damien has decided to follow the path of the first ever one-day races. Today's schedule fills up the whole of the classical period in March / April, where, between Liege and Ghent Wevelgem, there are 7 classic within a month. Then it's back to the speech che con Scarponi in squadra, sarà quest’ultimo a ricevere notevoli attenzioni degli avversari, dopo il 4° posto – per poco 3° - nella corsa rosa di quest’anno.
Cunego potrebbe approfittare di questo, proprio riguardo al discorso che quando non gli si chiedeva il risultato, spesso tagliava il traguardo prima di tutti gli altri. Ma con l’arrivo del nuovo Direttore Sportivo, Roberto Damiani (ex Gilbert), forse per Cunego è arrivato il bivio ciclistico definitivo. Per Damiano quasi certamente cambierà anche il clima interno al suo GS dove, non essendo più l’unico riferimento della formazione del signor Galbusera, la ricerca del risultato potrà essere equamente divisa tra lui e Scarponi.
It could also be the beginning of a cycling couple much stronger than expected, and could find opportunities to the most unexpected winners. To push this competitiveness also targets of the two. Boots for the occasion of the train right up to the podium in Milan, Cunego to avoid losing the "degrees" in the Lampre. When the water reaches the c ****** i, only the dead do not learn to swim. And this friendly competition within the spring that Cunego could be lost with the departure of the Ballan Lampre a year ago, and before that the old Saeco Simoni.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
Usb Flash Drive Write Protection
Ecce little man! Let y
Il filosofo Friedrich Nietzsche ha scritto un libro intitolato Ecce homo: come si diventa ciò che si è. Mi piacerebbe che nelle prossime settimane tu pensassi molto al fatto che sei sulla buona strada per diventare ciò che eri destinato a essere. I presagi astrali indicano che sarai aiutato da un intuito speciale. Per ispirarti, potresti prendere in prestito alcuni titoli dei capitoli di Nietzsche: “Perché sono così saggio,” “Perché sono così intelligente” e “Perché sono un destino” .
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Grooming Poodle Mix Dogs
December: the editorial
Several years ago, Italy was the lion's share in the old World Cup. Maurizio Fondriest Michele Bartoli, Gianni Bugno to Paolo Bettini. Then here is the UCI Pro-Tour with the statement of Danilo Di Luca. Meanwhile, however, began the quarrels between race organizers and the great historical leaders of the UCI. The Pro-Tour so went ahead to force compromise, creating skepticism among experts. Now we change again - At least the name - although the criteria have remained virtually unchanged. It is a novelty in this regard raises some doubts.
There are changes to the scores that give the value of each Sports Groups (UCI score for the "ranking"). The estimate will be built with the points for the team for what will be the season the following year and not that just ended. See the Liquigas team who finished in 2nd place in 2010, and early next should not even be among the top five, because some athletes who have changed coat. It would just create at least some kind of compromise, the cyclist who change team "leaves" automatically in 30% of points won in his season at the GS. In so doing, a GS would have at least a just a field minimum of points for having perhaps grown a runner, and I did become a winner.
This explains the choice of Geox the assignment of Sastre and Menchov. With the points they hoped to have the place almost certainly important in racing, and not having to make the effort to earn it with the results. I remember when at the end of the decade since the '90 U.S. Postal's Armstrong wanted at all costs take the Tour, but it was a new formation. For the discussion of the scores had to run a large number of races for "mature" enough to merit a score participation Alps to race. Then managed to earn the invitation (to the Tour has been invited and are not part of law), opening the golden season for Texas. Other
speech that comes out is the biological passport. The issue involving the Italian Pellizotti did discuss. Stopping a cyclist for months, losing the season, only to find themselves confronted with evidence of not having enough evidence to stop the athlete. Meanwhile, the season of the Liquigas rider has gone to the dogs. Not for nothing Alberto Contador turned to the lawyers who had attended our climber.
The association of runners, Italian and international, to be able to ask the UCI have more parties in the case of action against cyclists or cyclists affected by troubles with doping. The associations of the runners are 9 physicians experienced in these quarrels sports physicals, which can act as "experts" in the courts for sports. But they would like the UCI did not do more to filter in the selection of athletes, and that these 9 experts may have the data for all the athletes involved nell'Assocorridori World (850), and not only the abnormal data of the athletes. There will be an increase in paper work, then going to confuse things even more? The last thing you need to cycling, which is found to have bottles of water the only What still totally transparent.
close with the news that the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), the head seems to have half a mind to make up to 4 years disqualification for more serious cases of doping. It would be nice had proposed the idea of \u200b\u200bradiation in case of trafficking of doping substances. Already take drugs is serious, but others can also do this work because it is too.
Several years ago, Italy was the lion's share in the old World Cup. Maurizio Fondriest Michele Bartoli, Gianni Bugno to Paolo Bettini. Then here is the UCI Pro-Tour with the statement of Danilo Di Luca. Meanwhile, however, began the quarrels between race organizers and the great historical leaders of the UCI. The Pro-Tour so went ahead to force compromise, creating skepticism among experts. Now we change again - At least the name - although the criteria have remained virtually unchanged. It is a novelty in this regard raises some doubts.
There are changes to the scores that give the value of each Sports Groups (UCI score for the "ranking"). The estimate will be built with the points for the team for what will be the season the following year and not that just ended. See the Liquigas team who finished in 2nd place in 2010, and early next should not even be among the top five, because some athletes who have changed coat. It would just create at least some kind of compromise, the cyclist who change team "leaves" automatically in 30% of points won in his season at the GS. In so doing, a GS would have at least a just a field minimum of points for having perhaps grown a runner, and I did become a winner.
This explains the choice of Geox the assignment of Sastre and Menchov. With the points they hoped to have the place almost certainly important in racing, and not having to make the effort to earn it with the results. I remember when at the end of the decade since the '90 U.S. Postal's Armstrong wanted at all costs take the Tour, but it was a new formation. For the discussion of the scores had to run a large number of races for "mature" enough to merit a score participation Alps to race. Then managed to earn the invitation (to the Tour has been invited and are not part of law), opening the golden season for Texas. Other
speech that comes out is the biological passport. The issue involving the Italian Pellizotti did discuss. Stopping a cyclist for months, losing the season, only to find themselves confronted with evidence of not having enough evidence to stop the athlete. Meanwhile, the season of the Liquigas rider has gone to the dogs. Not for nothing Alberto Contador turned to the lawyers who had attended our climber.
The association of runners, Italian and international, to be able to ask the UCI have more parties in the case of action against cyclists or cyclists affected by troubles with doping. The associations of the runners are 9 physicians experienced in these quarrels sports physicals, which can act as "experts" in the courts for sports. But they would like the UCI did not do more to filter in the selection of athletes, and that these 9 experts may have the data for all the athletes involved nell'Assocorridori World (850), and not only the abnormal data of the athletes. There will be an increase in paper work, then going to confuse things even more? The last thing you need to cycling, which is found to have bottles of water the only What still totally transparent.
close with the news that the WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency), the head seems to have half a mind to make up to 4 years disqualification for more serious cases of doping. It would be nice had proposed the idea of \u200b\u200bradiation in case of trafficking of doping substances. Already take drugs is serious, but others can also do this work because it is too.
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