Thursday, March 3, 2011

Fotos Del Desnudo De Lorena



Before leaving for a few days of absence (from tomorrow until Monday, I will be in Bologna for the BilBolBul) has realizzato una lunga chiacchierata con Carmine Di Giandomenico , artista bravissimo che da anni ormai lavora a tempo pieno per la Marvel. Ma Carmine non ha davvero bisogno di presentazioni, lascio a lui la parola.

I N T E R V I S T A   A   
C A R M I N E   D I    G I A N D O M E N I C O

Ciao Carmine, l’idea di questa chiacchierata nasce dal fatto che, dopo la pubblicazione de La Dottrina vol.4, ho un po’ perso le tue tracce… Che fine hai fatto? A che cosa stai lavorando attualmente?

Sai, la verità è che mi piace smarrirmi... :o)
Dopo la Dottrina ho continuato a collaborare con la Marvel. Sto realizzando una miniserie di otto numeri con Paul Jenkins ai testi. Inoltre mi sono occupato dell’ultimo annual di Iron Man, sceneggiato da Matt Fraction e della realizzazione, a quattro mani, del numero 500 di Iron Man, sempre su testi di Fraction.
Iron Man 500 - pag.34
Recentemente ho aiutato a terminare alcune pagine per i first two issues of Iron Man 2.0, the artist had caught a very strong influence and would not be able to meet deadlines.
What's more I'm coordinating the work to create a show based on Oudeis. During the development of this project there have been delays, but now I'm finally able to say that the machine is restarted. I can just say something more concrete, of course, communicate it with enthusiasm.

say that you can not really say that you have been with our hands ... a bit deeper into 'these your work. What can you tell me about the miniseries che stai realizzando per la Marvel? Ci hai appena rivelato il nome dell’autore e, dalle immagini postate sul tuo blog, credo di aver capito che il protagonista è Capitan America. C’è altro che ci puoi rivelare senza far arrabbiare l’ufficio stampa della casa delle idee?

Purtroppo non posso anticipare molto.
Il progetto è molto grande, si tratta di una miniserie di ambientazione bellica nei cui primi numeri ci sarà la presenza di Cap.
Altro non posso dire. :o)
Posso però dirti che Jenkins sta svolgendo a very detailed work, and that the plot is engaging.

Band of Brothers 1
page 2

As for Iron Man, has done quite a stir in the table (you made) to be previewed on the web in which we are witnessing what could be the death of Tony Stark. From fan of superhero comics, what do you think more and more abused the mechanism of the death of a hero? And above all ... you are the illustrator of death di iron man?

Sono l' illustratore della morte di iron man? Boh! Non saprei! L' universo Marvel è talmente vasto, con riferimenti a differenti momenti temporali che si intersecano tra loro, utilizzati spesso come pretesti per far risorgere i personaggi in qualsiasi momento :).
La morte di Tony Stark?
Iron Man 500 - pag. 48

Per ora nella trama di Iron Man 500 ho disegnato la morte di Tony in un ipotetico future. Nevertheless, I think, like all heroes, Tony Stark is immortal.
Maybe you are exceeding last shot at the effect of the death of a character, but my personal opinion is that the high ball at the top of Marvel have already planned changes in their fictional universe, and that all these deaths serve to bring together the events of the entire narrative of the universe towards the house of ideas towards a target already defined, which will culminate in a series of surprises that I believe will do much to discuss. But these, I want to say, are my assumptions.

I noticed that, when working at Marvel, you have been involved mainly on series set in different historical periods from the present. In your opinion, is a case or you were considered a suitable design to tell stories "in costume"?

I think it's a case. I do not believe to be particularly suited to the stories in costume. E 'likely, given the success of Magneto Testament, has decided to trust something like that.
However, the historical setting of a plot does not matter if the story is good and engaging, I did not let her get away. Especially when it comes to stories that are beyond the classical scheme of the series.

Iron Man 500 - p.47

In that the show is inspired by Oudeis? Who are the artists involved? Seizing the opportunity to work on the show followed your graphic novel?

If I had time I would have already started some time to work on sequels to Oudeis. It 's a project to which I a lot.
The show consists of a live concert, produced by Cinik Records and me. The Cinik contacted me and proposed the idea. Melozzo Along with Henry, who is the Cinik director, artist and with his notes accompanying the work, we started to discuss it.
Melozzo Henry, for those not familiar, is an artist Abruzzo, Teramo, which for years has been pursuing his own personal artistic discourse, a path that led him to create very interesting and innovative projects. One of his shots has always been to combine music with images. You'll understand why we understood each other right away.
In this last year I worked at the same time work to Marvel, the structure of the show and director of "entertainment" that should be developed from existing tables.
Everything will be accompanied by music and wonderful voice of Adriano Giannini, who will play Oudeis.
Iron Man 500 - Page 36

In recent months, unfortunately, we have slowed down. The animator who have engaged seriously was injured in the shoulder, and we were forced to halt all work on hold to heal and hope that he did it quickly. Unfortunately this has not happened, fate willed otherwise. I take this opportunity to send a hug to Herman!
Now the mechanism has been restarted. We must however wait a bit 'so that he recovers fully operational.
Of course, we do not expect to create an epic spectacle, what will remain imprinted for life. Our intention is to create an engaging and exciting entertainment in a position to lose, at least for one night, the viewer in a world of fantasy.

Your privacy, however, was more or less recently, one of those shaken by news that leave their mark. Fatherhood has changed life as you? In terms of employment, for example, did you change habits?

What can I say? It is an emotion that marks you for life, which upsets you positively. Little Elena arrived eight months ago, but it seems like yesterday. No hard drugs produce such an effect, I recommend everyone to try it! Forget drugs e fate figli! :o)

I miei ritmi lavorativi sono radicalmente cambiati. Tuttavia credo che, per una donna, essere sposata con un fumettista che svolge la sua attività tra le mura domestiche, sia una fortuna. Una fortuna reciproca considerando che in questo modo anche il marito potrà godersi appieno la paternità.

Certo è che durante il giorno, tra pappette e pannolini, la concentrazione è minima. Ma alla sera, non appena la piccola si addormenta, recupero il temo perduto. È stupendo spend the evening at the drawing board, along with my wife, engaged in developing new recipes, and while absent-mindedly committed to following the trash that offers television programming today. : P

an original Joker!
The portrait of your little family is idyllic ... but levami a curiosity which are the programs that followed?

Idyllic? To me it looks more like comedian Eh! Eh! Eh! :)
Di tutto dal telegiornare di Minzolini, a quallo di Mimun, per non parlare di "Mistero" il programma più politicizzato del momento. Ma non è questa la sede per discuterne :).

Collabori con la Marvel da almeno quattro anni, in questo periodo ti sei occupato prevalentemente di miniserie e volumi unici. Non credi che sarebbe giunto il momento di occuparti di una serie regolare?

Iron Man 2.0 #2 - pag.8
Non sei il primo a chiedermelo. Credimi, però, sto benissimo così. Sono convito che le serie regolari siano affidate ad autori perfetti per il ruolo che gli è stato dato. D’altro canto, se è vero che finora ho realizzato solo volumi unici e miniserie, è altrettanto vero che mi è stata spesso fornita l’opportunità di occuparmi di storie originali e fuori dagli schemi.

Da quando collaboro con la Marvel ho creato dato vita a un personaggio inedito come Vegas (su testi di Karl Kesel), ho rielaborato il look Red Wolf (e devo ammettere che sono stato molto orgoglioso quando Stefano Caselli has reused on Avengers: The Initiative. Indeed I take this opportunity to thank him). I told the origins of Magneto, created an alternate version of Spider-Man and the Mandarin reported in the pages of Iron Man

If it were not enough, Marvel, for first time, gave the opportunity for an Italian author, to develop a web-based sources, revealing new details of an important person. In this case it's Battlin 'Jack Murdock and Daredevil's origins.

The important thing is that the lack of a monthly fixed maturity gives me time to follow, although very slowly, other projects. So, for now I leave you with the flow, I'll see what the future holds.

to you what you'd like to bring the future?

2.0 Iron Man # 3 page 5
Winning the lottery is good as an answer?
What would I like .. mah! ... perhaps a bit 'of peace:).
Lately I find myself always under pressure. It is not necessarily something that I regret, but work with your child and not next potersela spupazzare, because in the meantime you spupazzare a white sheet, it's unnerving.
But apart from that, I hope that in future there are intriguing projects, which are Marvel and other publishers do not care. Maybe I'd like a story starring the Hulk. A plot completely out of continuity. And one day I'd like to bring my character ... but for now it is soon!

Prior to joining Marvel Oudeis you made. Work entirely carried out by you, both in the texts that the drawings. In the near future, there will be room to give vent to your creativity as a screenwriter?

I'm working on, but for now it is premature to talk about it.

In recent years, the team of Italian authors used in the U.S. increased dramatically. Any publishing house overseas counts among its ranks authors from our country. In your opinion, what is the secret of our success?

Sincerely I could not tell. I've never been in the States, my collaboration with Marvel has started on the internet, and I do not know, except through e-mail the editors I work with.

The success of Italian abroad do not think limited only to the world of comics. Think about the success of our fashion, shoes ...

I believe, however, that the quality expressed by my colleagues alone may explain il segreto del nostro successo. E credo che conti moltissimo anche la capacità narrativa e l'affidabilità, caratteristiche più rilevanti del disegno stesso di cui noi italiani siam ben dotati. Ecco, credo che sia questo, ciò che fa apprezzare gli autori Italiani all'estero, non solo negli USA, QUALITA' e AFFIDABILITA'.

Ciononostante devo dire che non andrebbe trascurato nemmeno il mercato italiano. Negli ultimi anni ho visto cambiamenti apprezzabili e molte proposte interessanti. È una piazza che mi piacerebbe frequentare di più, se ne avessi la possibilità. In fondo sono Italiano...

studies for Ludwig
fantasy character created by Carmine Di Giandomenico

say you'd like more work in Italy if I had the opportunity to ... What causes this lack of opportunity? You're too busy with Marvel?

Marvel you agree a lot with breathtaking speed. Arrives to deliver a work of 22 boards, made in less than four weeks, and six exhausted. In these conditions do not feel like accepting a collaboration with other authors, I would not have the right concentration. And I would not even have time to enjoy my family.
I still had very interesting proposals (some of you read them soon), but I had to decline. There are different requirements and deadlines. All things that I would not be able, with my current commitments to guarantee.
What saddens me, because I would be happy to reciprocate this gesture of trust, a partnership with concrete, but without devoting less time to the duties of Marvel. I understand that I seem to want to have a foot in both camps. The fact is that work for Marvel is very exciting, not just a designer but the director of my tables. And it's timely and well coordinated.
Bel dilemma! However now I can not think only of myself. I do not want to risk it.
In future we will see. In any case, something I'm making the Italian market. For now I can only say that I'm structuring the work so that it can be placed in a timeframe that does not conflict with the commitments with Marvel and that gives me the right serenity to handle everything without going crazy!

Black Panther


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