Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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SBE: all women (and controversy) OF DYLAN DOG

un particolare
della copertina di
Dylan Dog Color Fest # 6 

Dopo una attesa durata alcuni alcuni mesi la Sergio Bonelli Editore ha finalmente annunciato i nomi delle autrici che si occuperanno di realizzare il sesto supplemento a colori, l'ormai rinomato Dylan Dog Color Fest, which features this time will be to have been entirely developed by authors.

Almost as if to say that, after a sleep that lasted 25 years (the first author to have lent their artistry to the investigator of the nightmare series , Daniela Glass , began only in the pages of the last register giant came out last fall) the preparation of Dylan Dog has been awakened and who wants to recover at least a bit 'lost ground, now comes this special issue.
una tavola realizzata da Valentina Romeo

Le autrici che si alterneranno sulle pagine di questo Dylan Dog Color Fest, la cui pubblicazione è prevista per per il 27 Aprile, realizzando episodi brevi di 32 pagine a colori saranno dunque  Vanna Vinci (di ritorno alla Bonelli dopo alcune deliziose storie di Legs Weaver) che si occuperà di testi e disegni della sua storia e poi   Paola Barbato , Chiara Caccivio , Rita Porretto and Silvia Mericone as screenwriters and Lola Airaghi , Valentina Romeo and Simona Denna in design quality.

And while you appease fans' curiosity about the staff of writers who will create this sixth round with the Color Fest an interesting topic of discussion was launched on the internet. On the site Craven Road 7 an interesting article titled The sanctuary is not (only) by Paola Barbato? reveals that the story published in the annual special No. 24, Paola Barbato attributed to the colophon does not actually been fully achieved by the author.

on his Facebook profile author Milan has held that the story was not born to be a specialist and would be changed by his actions not to become him. If the news is confirmed (and I do not see why it should not be) it would be the second time that an editor is replaced by the writer in charge (the first time, Barbato was always the star of an adjustment made to the last table in its history published Dylan Dog 248 and then reprinted without "cuts" affixed on analogue reprint). If it is normal that the wording of checks and corrections errors or "betrayals" to the spirit of the characters, the repetition of these actions would prove to be worrisome.
is worrying for any excessive control over the artistic freedom of the author and because it would be an intervention standardization which would tend to standardize a bit 'too much character. Standardization that there would then clearly see what needs and demands should meet but, of course, lead to poor among the most revolutionary figures of the publishing house in Milan between those of the younger generation of heroes. A treatment that does not deserve the only comic book character of our country that, in the last quarter century, like no one else has been able to break down barriers of tavola disegnata per diventare un fenomeno di costume, capace di essere noto a persone di tutte le età, sesso e estrazione sociale e che è riuscito in questa impresa proprio grazie alla sua imprevedibilità e diversità.


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