Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Remove Write Protection Usb


Monsters cover Tyler Crook
new regular series artist
The new story arc of the series (divided into mini-series) dedicated to the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense (Department for research and protection against paranormal activity) will the debut of Tyler Crook as the new regular artist of the series.

BPRD Monsters
cover in black and white

Tyler Crook will replace Guy Davis, who took the reins of the series back in 2004. to give notice of the alternation to the drawing board was Mike Mignola that, during an interview with Comic Books Resources said "I met Tyler last year during a convention held in Long Beach and see his designs was for me the best time of the event. I became immediately realize that I wanted to work with him. The day after the convention I talked with John Arcudi and advised him to see the designs available online. John very much appreciated his work and together we began to discuss about our future plans and how we could involve in them. So when we liberated the place of regular artist of BPRD all of us - including the editor Scott Allie - I think of Tyler. None of us thought for a second choice ... so we were delighted (and so relieved) when he accepted "

The new story arc will be called Monsters of BPRD and will in all fumetterie d'oltreoceano a partire da Luglio 2011.

I disegni di Crook, che recentemente aveva dato buona prova di se sulla graphic novel Petrograd edita dalla Oni Press  (di cui di seguito vi presento un paio di tavole) ha uno stile che richiama quello di Paul Pope , dimostra comunque una grande abilità e sono certo che non farà rimpiangere il pur ottimo Davis (almeno non troppo... sigh!)

petrograd 1
petrograd 2

The announcement by the head of the spill was, however, since the same Guy Davisnel during the Emerald City ComiCon held in Seattle last weekend. The artist has confirmed its intention to leave the series in order to devote more continuity to some creator-owned projects, particularly at The Marquis and other sets in the developing world with the Dark Horse. However, Davis said he did not rule out his future return series.

"One of the main reasons why I left the regular series of" BPRD " - said the artist - is that at the end of My working day there were still many, many pages to draw and work to do and I saw myself forced to postpone the continuation of my work for the Marquis. So together ada other projects that I intend to develop, I have decided to resume and conclude, "Marquis" for Dark Horse. Although he left the series since I edited the volume entitled "A Plague of Frogs" with Mike we talked about the possibility of returning to work for his fictional universe to make small mini-series or short stories. "

"the greatest satisfaction for me - added Davis - was to have been between gli artefici di una grande serie per la quale ho realizzato 56 numeri. Sebbene lavorare su B.P.R.D. sia stata una gran soddisfazione, così come lavorare con amici del calibro di Mike Mignola e John Arcudi, è purtuttavia vero che le scadenze mensili cominciavano ad essere un po' troppo pressanti. Resta la soddisfazione di aver contribuito a narrare storie interessanti, tentando di fare qualcosa di diverso dal solito."


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