Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Pokemon Ruby Emulator White Screen

Nokia X1-00, musica e radio a tutto volume, a prezzo da sballo

Nokia has announced the arrival of its new X1-00 , low-end mobile phone, new for 2011 for this regards the range X-series, for the music and multimedia. The new Nokia

X1-00 features a powerful speaker (valued at 106phon) with the side buttons dedicated to music player and FM stereo radio.

We are also a color display, the latest operating system Serie30, microSD support up to 16 GB, standard stereo jack 3.5mm, calendar, clock, calculator and torch.

The measures of the Nokia X1-00 are of 112.2 x 47.3 x 16mm and weighs 91 grams. Interesting standby declared: 61 days.

The X1-Nokia 2000 comes in a progressive on various world markets from April to an introductory price of € 35 excluding taxes.


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